Fusion Script and Macro Collection
I’ve noticed quite a few Google hits for Fusion on my blog, so I thought I’d write a short summary of various scripts and macros I have created over the years.
Note: Since Fusion was aquired by Blackmagic Design, vfxpedia has been turned off and thus many links no longer work. Besides that, Fusion 7 introduced a new LUA interpreter that requires changes to some scripts. If a script no longer works in Fusion 7.x or you need a Fuse or Macro that was hosted on vfxpedia, drop me a line or visit the forum at steakunderwater.com/wesuckless where I might have already posted an updated version.
- A huge improvement to the Add Tool script.
- Exporting keyframe data to After Effects
- Importing keyframe data from Nuke
- Saver Checker Script that creates missing output directories and lists enabled savers (useful if there are a lot of them).
- Loader From Saver creates or updates a loader from a selected saver.
- 3-Point-ImagePlane, a script that automatically aligns 3D planes to vertices in a point cloud.
- Freeze Cam, a helper script for projections that duplicates a camera and removes its animation.
- Tool Color Labels to easily tag your flow.
- Invert Animation Curve, a script that swaps time and value of an animation spline.
- An improved version of Fusion’s “Change Paths” to do search&replace operations on your loaders and savers.
- An improved version of “Destabilize Transform” to connect trackers to almost anything that has a center, size and angle slider.
- An improved Python implementation of the Bake Animation script, that processes multiple properties at the same time.
- Un-Modify, a tool script to remove modifiers from a stack without killing the whole animation.
- A converter to use Syntheyes lens distortion values with Fusion’s LensDistort tool.
- A suite of scripts to exchange shots between Fusion and Syntheyes.
More scripts and script-related snippets can be found on Vfxpedia, by the way.
- A 3D Colorspace Keyer implementation.
- ExponentialGlow, a glow with a nice photorealistic falloff.
- Image Mixer to help with applying scanned grain from gray cards.
- Macros to apply Lustre(R) merry grades, Josh Pine’s log2lin math and Nuke-inspired TMI color balance.
- An implementation of Nuke’s Ramp tool for gradients.
- A Color Picker that can be placed on top of an image to serve as a persistent color readout which has since been improved by Gregory Chalenko.
- SoftClip, a macro to gently compress overbright values below 1.0.
- SigmoidalContrast creates an S-shaped contrast curve.
- SpillMerge, an advanced keying solution for smoke or reflections.
- “Toe”, a macro to gently raise an image’s black level (inspired by Nuke’s tool of the same name)
- “Turn” for rotating an image (including its canvas) in steps of 90 degrees.
- Open-Source Plugins to create Lightning Bolts, Lens Flares or Lines
- GPU-accelerated Rolling Shutter correction based on motion vectors from eyeon’s Dimension plugin.
- A Smoothcam-inspired Fuse to automatically stabilize or smooth a shaky camera move.
- CubeToLatLong turns a cube map into (part of) an equirectangular panorama.
- SparseColor draws gradients or fills an image using multiple spots of color.
- A Nuke-like color correction Fuse whose contrast slider works well on linear images.
- A GPU-accelerated CornerPin, an improvement over Fusion’s native tool.
- A Switch Fuse as found in Shake or Nuke.
- A Fuse to manage auxiliary channels (like depth or vectors).
- A clone of Nuke’s Reformat tool to fit an image into another image format.
- A modifier for averaging two or four point positions (e.g. trackers)
- PositionHelper, a modifier to easily smooth a tracker path or change its reference frame.
- XfChroma, a transform tool that leaves a colorful trail.
All scripts and Fuses are open-source (mostly BSD-style) and commented extensively to serve as scripting tutorials 🙂 Feedback is always welcome.