Stefan Ihringer
Kurzhuberstr. 15
81825 München
Tel: +49-160-947 505 83
USt-IdNr.: DE243001196
Auf verlinkte Inhalte habe ich keinen Einfluss. Sämtliche Markenzeichen gehören den jeweiligen Eigentümern. Bei Beanstandung werde ich die Verwendung unverzüglich einstellen.
Privacy Notice
Personal data is collected on my blog in a just a few instances. Comp-Fu uses Matomo for web analytics. The data that is collected includes your IP address and browser features. This data is anonymized so it can’t be used to identify specific users. Cookies are used, however, to identify repeat visits to Comp-Fu from the same browser. You can opt-out of the site statistics altogether:
Since Comp-Fu is rather dormant nowadays, the comment feature has been disabled. It was rarely used anyways and you can always contact me via the e-mail address mentioned above.
In some blog posts I have embedded video content from 3rd parties like YouTube or Vimeo. These sites will set cookies and have their own privacy statements. Please review them here:
If you don’t want these sites to identify you, make sure you’ve logged out of these sites before browsing If you don’t want the receive their cookies, disable them in your web browser. This blog will function perfectly fine without them.