Lesser-Known Fusion Features
Made another video tutorial:
This one is a quick tour of a couple of lesser-known features in eyeon Fusion: changing the frame step size, proxy footage for loaders, hotkeys for roto, view and subview settings, local render queue, hardware status.
You might already know some of those “secrets”, but they pop up every now and then on forums so I thought I’d collect them into a small video.
Specular Highlights Compositing Reference
Welcome to the first installation of a series where I tell you how to improve your CGI/compositing by looking at frickin mother nature for reference.
Often CGI lacks that last bit of realism. In the case of outdoor surfaces it can be due to the lack of proper specular highlights. They require high sampling rates, they tend to flicker, but it pays off to spend some compositing effort on then – even if you ultimately paint and reproject them manually.
The key to realistic atmospheric effects are proper reference photos. Here’s a photo of one of Chicago’s commuter trains glistening in the morning sun:
The glow that seems to eat away from the steel roof looks like that because it comes from a reflection that’s magnitudes brighter than the rest of the image. To recreate this in comp you need to work in linear color space with values way above 1.0 and a sharp, super-bright yellowish reflection of the sun. Don’t be afraid to go up to 20 or even higher.
Now add a tiny blur to the image (the natural scattering of the air and the lens) so you hardly notice it on most of the image. The bright spot, however, will grow into a large glow not unlike one in the photo (then fine-tune your comp with different blur radii at different strengths or add a blurred luma key of the highlights once more).
Look at the car now. It’s parked in the shadows yet it doesn’t look murky or dark at all. It’s lit solely by the sky’s ambient light which is still bright enough to cause a lot of specular highlights. In reality – and from the point of view of an unbiased renderer like Arnold for example – there is no “specular pass” anyways. It’s all just tiny glossy reflections of a bright light source. And the sky is more than enough. I can’t tell you how to render rims like these but as a compositor you should be prepared to fake some highlights using a normal pass for example if the 3D lacks those details.
Some more thoughts about why the car in this picture looks so well-integrated (yeah, it’s real):
- The color of the highlights matches the sky. Especially the area around the front bumper turns into a mirror-like surface due to the Fresnel properties of the car paint. It matches the sky in color and brightness.
- The sun’s reflection on the train is so bright that it reflects once more in the car’s rooftop. Your raytracer would need to calculate at least two bounces!
- The wheels are black and you can hardly distinguish them from the car’s underside. Yes, clients would tell you they want to see the rubber if this were CGI. But try to balance it. Too much detail in the shadows would make this image look like one of those fake HDR images.
Feedback Loop
Being a VFX freelancer includes being able to judge the amount of work a task might take. Usually, that’s a thing artists loathe. After all, who knows how much nitpicking by the supervisor(s) and/or director there will be before a shot is approved as “final”?
There is, however, a simple way to train your judgment and get some experience for free: look at a shot you’ve finished a few weeks ago and pretend you’ve just been asked for the number of days you’d think you need to finish it. Then, compare this to the hours you’ve clocked in your studio’s attendance sheet or timekeeping system.
Pick appropriate shots.
Don’t pick the one you know turned into a nightmare because halfway through a simple rig removal the director didn’t like the dress of the actress anymore and requested a CG cloth simulation. Don’t pick the shot that was used to develop a CG character’s shading because that probably took way more time for reasons that had nothing to do with the shot itself.
Just judge your workload.
If you only did compositing, don’t make up numbers for matchmoving, lighting, shading and matte paintings. Except if you also did some of these tasks.
Don’t cheat.
This exercise assumes that you have no clue how many hours you’ve really worked on a shot. If you have only worked on shots one at a time and are completely aware of how many days it took you to finish each, it’s for the birds.
Add 50%.
I’m not kidding, just add 50% to whatever number you came up with.
Before VFX
With the vfx industry being shaken by high-profile post houses closing doors or filing for chapter 11 and Oscar winning directors being oblivious of the effort that went into their movie’s VFX, here’s a nice Tumblr of movie stills before vfx have been added. I’ve taken two of those images and went looking for trailers and promo pictures that showed the final scene as best as possible:
But even with such a comparison, one can hardly describe the amount of work, changes and revisions that went on in between. VFX isn’t like building a car where there’s a clear blueprint on how many wheels there should be and how many revolutions the engine needs to perform.
When a director thinks that VFX should be cheaper than they already are, he should have an assistant read to him the feedback he gave vfx artists who worked on his shots over the course of a year and imagine himself talking like this to his car dealer, barber or chef 🙂
Ninjas In The Sock Drawer
Corridor Digital have done it again: Awesome dubstep video – slash – VFX demo. And it’s got KITTENS!
AFAIK they’re still doing it all with AfterEffects. But camera angles of life action and green screen plates and lighting demonstrate that they’re really putting in a lot of thoughts into their videos before they start shooting.
That’s better than what I usually have to handle on German mainstream movies where directors and DOPs are stuck in the 90’s when it comes to pre-production planning of VFX (“Storyboards? Animatics? Blocking? Nah, we’ll just roll the camera in any way we like and you guys will figure it out later. It’s greenscreen after all, I could do it on my Avid! Hey, why doesn’t it look like Harry Potter? Sure we’ve only paid you 1% of its budget, but that movie was like a decade ago.”)
Mobile Style Sheet
Finally, this blog’s layout flows better on a mobile device with a smaller screen. If something’s off, tell me in the comments 🙂
Here are some CSS rules that I’ve found to be quite useful for mobile devices:
This tells your smartphone that you have thought about its smaller screen size and you don’t want it to fit everything onto its screen as a PC would:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
Import your mobile style sheet after all your other styles so you can override them.
<link href="css/mobile.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width:768px)" type="text/css" />
This is an alternative way you need to use inside a .css file or style-tag:
@import url("css/mobile.css") screen and (max-width:768px);
You don’t have to define a minimum width for your page but if you do (I wanted the menu bar to wrap after a specific menu item) do it in em units so it’s relative to the font size.
body { min-width: 30em; }
For your mobile device, you probably want to reset some horizontal margins and paddings to make the most out of the small screen. These are keywords to reset stuff if you have defined specific pixel, em or percentage values. Also, floating elements horizontally might also not look good on small screens.
width: auto; margin: 0; padding: 0; float: none;
Keep in mind that an element’s CSS rules are applied according to priorities. The more specific a rule is the higher its priority and an override for it must have at least the same priority. Consider this example of a margin on a paragraph inside what could be two layout-specific div containers (the main one with an id tag called ‘content’, the nested one with a class tag called ‘blogpost’):
#content .blogpost p { margin-left: 2em; }
This rule will not reset the margin since it is not as specific as the original style definition:
p { margin: 0;Â }
You need to use either one of these. Although using ‘!important’ might seem like an easy solution it should be used sparingly since it will override a lot of things that you didn’t intend:
/* be at least as specific in your override */ #content .blogpost p { margin: 0; } /* or force this rule onto every paragraph */ p { margin: 0 !important; }
Large images are a problem because they will force the smartphone to increase the page width which results in a smaller font or the need to scroll horizontally. This snippet, which is even useful for your blog’s regular style sheet, scales down images dynamically to fit the available width of its parent container:
img { /* auto-fit images to column width */ max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
An article about bad VFX business practices
Scott Squires has written a very very lengthy article about “Bad Visual Effects Business Practices” which everybody should read despite it’s length.
Did I already mention that it’s long?
But I can relate to so many issues:
Too many layers of approvals
If a task requires approval by 5 different layers of managers, that’s a problem. Each manager will have a different idea of the results required and will likely produce 5 different and conflicting notes or corrections.
Not understanding overtime
Management and those typically looking at just the numbers think that 12 hours is producing 50% more than 8 hours work. They’re wrong. As the number of hours go up the productivity of workers is going down.
Some comments on Scott’s article also raise interesting points:
“The bidding model hails from the construction industry and is meant to come with a fixed blueprint. (…) That’s why they dropped it on the movie set. Camera teams were like, “you did not tell us you’d be doing 100 takes”. So time based pay was adopted with a plan and a budget…” –Â Dave Rand
Yet, VFX shots are still a fixed bid even though the directors nowadays want full control over how every piece of glass is flying away from an explosion that’ll be on screen for half a second. It’s ridiculous. The most fun I had as a VFX artist was for an advertising company on a project with enough budget and people who knew their trade. Most work for Hollywood movies on the other hand was endless change requests by the director about the tiniest specks of dust in the remotest corner of the screen, burning buckets full of time and money in the process.