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The new TRON trailer is out, which brought back memories of a TV show from the 80s. AUTOMAN! Check out the opener. Pretty neat VFX for a TV show back then.

Will neon glow become the next best design element, superseding the Apple-style gloss effect? We’ll find out soon enough.

Here’s a music video that already does a good job at resurrecting a 30 year-old image of cyberspace: Mark Ronson – Bang Bang Bang

edit: great, youtube disabled embedding of the video. Go this way instead.

Hundefotografie Pfotenbild – Design update

Für Tierfotografie in München hier entlang:

Pfotenbild Screenshot

Letzte Woche bin ich dazu gekommen, ein kleines kosmetisches Update zu verpassen. Die Seite hat unter anderem eine Galerie für die Outdoor-Serien der Fotografin Andrea Schleicher spendiert bekommen.

So, genug des Webdesigns für heute.

Short Films

Some animated short films I stumbled upon via this blog

“Mars!” tells the tale of conquering a planet in an illustrated style. If you like it, check out this “old” music video with a similar simplistic vector-look. “Float (my electric stargirl)” by the Atomic Swindlers:

The next clip is a French animation using 2D and 3D techniques:

Although the fluid and distorted style is heavily inspired by Bill Plympton, it’s great to see such hand-drawn animation is still widespread in this age of 3D-CGI. If you have some spare time on your hands, watch Disney’s Princess and the Frog next to Ice Age. While the realism of CGI is improving rapidly it still feels dull in direct comparison. Wow, that probably makes me sound like a grumpy old guy 🙂

Anyway, one last example for mixing 3D and hand-drawn animation. Also from the French. La Main des Maîtres:

Clients From Hell

I don’t know what I want until I know what the final product looks like. So, I would like you to create 5 fully functional websites so I can decide then pay you for one of those.

Während der Praktikant seine Arbeitszeit auf Facebook verdödelt, versenkt man als Freelancer doch lieber seine Stunden auf, wo der Name Programm ist und man sich freuen kann, dass es anderswo noch schlimmere Kundenwünsche gibt.

One client called me this morning. After a brief discussion and proposing the price, suddenly he said:
“I’m sorry, I thought freelancers work for free.”

Prost Mahlzeit!


Comedy Central wird Futurama auferstehen lassen. In einem Monat ist es so weit, im Futurama-Blog wird schonmal fleißig mit Bildern und Zeichnungen dem Fan die Wartezeit versüßt.


Hunting for nice Photoshop resources on the web is like looking for the needle in a hay stack. After clicking through a jungle of crappy, ad-infested tutorial sites and eyesore-inducing texture libraries I’ve finally found two sites that are worth bookmarking:

  • huge and beautiful background and grunge textures. Large enough to print. Free for commercial use.
  • links to various appealing brushes, patterns and textures.

The Big Picture

“The Big Picture”, Boston’s awesome photo blog, has some great shots of the upcoming Expo and of Shanghai. Check it out!